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Lives Remembered - Eddie Carr

Eddie, aged 90, died on 12th December 2010 at Overgate Hospice.

From Jonathan Timbers
Monday, 20 December 2010

Yesterday, at Church, I heard that Eddie Carr had died and wanted to share some thoughts about him, which I hope will encourage others to post their reflections on the life of this memorable individual.

When I arrived here two decades ago, Eddie had already been living in Hebden Bridge for many years . A socialist and keen co-operator, he was already retired from the engineering trade when I met him. Never afraid of making his feelings known, Eddie seemed unable to say the word 'Tory' without putting a well-known swear word beginning with 'f' in front of it. Although convinced that he'd had his day, he was often ahead of his times and was convinced of the need for a Tobin tax on financial transactions. An issue which remains all the more relevant now than when he was first attracted by the idea.

He was passionate about photography and travel, and I remember his stunning 3D photographs of his trip through South Africa, which he undertook in his late seventies by bus. Characteristically, he took a detour to take photographs of the place where Gandhi used to practice law.

A veteran of D day, he once described the experience to me. Apparently, the anti-tank gun issued to the British infantry didn't work (surprise, surprise) and the troops found themselves at the mercy of the German tanks. Eddie's humour was always anti-heroic (and subversive) and he said that he 'ran so fast my [expletive deleted] legs wore away. But they grew back afterwards'.

A lifelong vegetarian, who had so many daughters I can't even remember the number, he will be missed by many people in Hebden Bridge and news of his death has left me feeling very sad. I guess there will be many who share this reaction. Be great to hear from you.

From Susan Press

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

When all around were deserting Labour in droves a few years ago, Eddie stayed with us. He hated what Blair had done to his Labour Party, but never lost faith in his own socialist beliefs or the decency of his comrades.

In his late eighties, he was still walking to Branch meetings from his tiny cottage in Midgehole. And into town twice a week to do his shopping.

A lifelong teetotaller, apart from one drink after Dunkirk ("tried it and didn't like it"), Eddie lived an austere and simple life.

He had no time for airs and graces and spoke his mind. At the age of 88, he supported me as a PPC candidate. I lost- but was so glad to win his support.

One year later, he told us without fear he had been diagnosed with lung cancer and that his "time was up." I burst into tears and he told me not to be daft. He just wanted to make it to 90- and he did.

Some weeks before Eddie died, I met him by chance at Hebden Bridge station and he told me he was "on his last legs" but perfectly philosophical about it.

I am so glad I was able to say goodbye and give him a hug.
He said he had been blessed to survive the war and live a happy family life. We in the local Labour Party were blessed to know him.

From Chris Green

Monday, 27 December 2010

He would sit in St George's Square and when I went over to have a chat, Eddie would have an opinion on everything from the sculpture in the square to the election of Craig Whittaker. One of the great Hebden Bridge socialist characters. I will miss him and aspire to carry forward the same level of commitment and conviction as he had all his life.


From Mick Piggott

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

I got to know Eddie back in the 70s when a mutual friend lived in the same terrace as him in Midgehole. Whenever we have met since then, until I last saw him in Todmorden a few months back, we never failed to have a conversation that included putting the world to rights with our shared Socialist convictions, accompanied by a good laugh.

At our last conversation he let me know he wouldn't be around much longer but was unworried by the approaching end - as he put it, 'I've had a damned good innings'.

What a terrific character was Eddie Carr. It may be a cliche, but Hebden won't be the same without him.

You are remembered with respect, old fella, by so many. Rest in peace.



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